TikTok Version Control & Asset Management
Search and download specific files from the Perforce server from any computer.

Search and download specific files from the Perforce server from any computer.

Get all files to a project with a few clicks.

Get all files to a project with a few clicks.

Submit any changes to a project automatically from the main page of the Effect Hub tool.

Submit any changes to a project automatically from the main page of the Effect Hub tool.

Upload new files to the server from the tool.

Upload new files to the server from the tool.

Batch upload multiple projects with 1 folder upload.

Batch upload multiple projects with 1 folder upload.

Upload files from your computer by dragging them to the window.

Upload files from your computer by dragging them to the window.

Submit versioned controlled changes to your files.

Submit versioned controlled changes to your files.

Easily remove completed projects from your computer with a few clicks without affecting anything on the server.

Easily remove completed projects from your computer with a few clicks without affecting anything on the server.

Remove files on your local computer from the tool.

Remove files on your local computer from the tool.

Launcher that was included in Effect Hub allowed designers to manage their in-house versions of our engine.

Launcher that was included in Effect Hub allowed designers to manage their in-house versions of our engine.

Rename and move files from different categories.

Rename and move files from different categories.

Copy the Perforce file path of any file or folder.

Copy the Perforce file path of any file or folder.

Problem: Effect Designers and Interactive Engineers lacked a structured pipeline, relying on Dropbox or text chat to exchange files. These ad-hoc methods led to frequent file losses, especially when teammates left or accidentally deleted server files. Major incidents occurred at least twice per quarter, resulting in significant time wasted recovering lost data. Since version control software was not intuitive for the team, the solution had to be accessible to both visual and technical users.

Solution: Collaborating with a backend engineer, I spearheaded the development of Effect Hub to address these challenges. Initially, I focused on front-end development using Python (PySide2), Bash, and Shell scripting to create a downloadable application tailored to our team's needs. As the project progressed, I took on the role of the sole developer, maintaining and enhancing the tool with JavaScript and SQL. I also served as the primary point of communication between cross-functional teams, ensuring a smooth onboarding process and encouraging daily use of the app. Effect Hub enables users to browse, manage server files, and maintain robust version control (Perforce).

Outcome: Effect Hub has hosted over 500 projects, saving the team more than 100 hours of work. The tool has been widely adopted, with over 60 users and around 30 daily active users, depending on the production cycle. This success has significantly improved workflow efficiency and file management within the team.